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Private cheat SQUAD MASON

Our website features a unique private cheat for the Squad game, developed by the MAS team. Our cheat has many features that will help you significantly increase your efficiency in the game.

First, Aimbot is a feature that will allow you to automatically aim and shoot at opponents with high accuracy. With this feature, you will be able to make accurate shots, eliminate dangers and dominate the battlefield.

Secondly, our cheat provides WH (wallhack), which gives you the ability to see through walls and other objects. This will allow you to learn about the position of opponents in advance, allowing you to plan tactics and make informed decisions in real time.

In addition, our cheat also offers vehicle highlighting, which allows you to easily determine the location and condition of various vehicles on the battlefield. This will come in handy for more effective use of equipment, coordination with the team and control over the situation.

Finally, we offer speedhack - a feature that allows you to quickly move around the map. Not only will this save you time, but it will also give you an advantage when capturing points, hunting enemies, and supporting your team.

Built-in spoofer:No
Bypass recording in OBS:No
Supported game modes:All
Supported processors:Intel and AMD
Supported systems:Windows 10 (1903, 1909, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2)


Aimbot / Activate aimbot
Aimbot Key / Set the key for aimbot operation
Aimbot Fov / Set the area of aimbot operation
Aimbot Fov color / Set the color of the area of aimbot operation
Draw Fov / Display the area of aimbot operation
No Recoil / Disable recoil
No Sway / Disable sway


Player Box / Display 2D squares around opponents
Player box color / Set the color of the 2D square display around the opponent
Skeleton / Display the skeleton on players
Skeleton color / Set the color of skeletons
Health / Display opponents' health, with a choice of display type
health color / Set the color of opponents' health
Distance / Set the distance of opponents' display
Distance color / Set the color of distance display
Ignore Team / ESP will ignore the team
Crosshair / Enable display of crosshair in the center of the monitor


Technical ESP / Display equipment
FOB radio ESP / Display FOB
MEE MOD SUPPORT / ESP support on MEE mods


Speedhack / Allows you to increase the character's movement speed (dangerous function)
Player Fov / Change the player's field of view
Save / load config / Ability to save and load settings
for questions and suggestions please email: contact@hax.market, discord: https://discord.gg/sHGNxUDBNH, telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAETOYbUpbMowm3RMvg, vk: https://vk.com/hax.market