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Game Version | Game version: Steam last
Supported OS only x64 | Supported OS x64 only: Windows 10 and 11
Supported processors | Supports Processors: Intel, AMD
Supported Modes | Supported Modes: Windowed, Borderless
Bypass OBS | Bypass OBS Recording: ?
Anticheat | Anti-cheat: EAC

Functional | Functional:

Player ESP - Player Lighting
Bot ESP Active - Bot Highlight
Player Sleeper ESP - Illumination of sleeping Players
Player Box - Illumination of the players box
Player Skeleton - Illuminated by the skeleton of Players
Player Health - Highlighting the health of Players
Player Nickname - Highlighting the nickname of the Players
Player Distance - Highlighting distance to Players
Player Weapon - Illumination of weapons in the hands of Players
Player ESP distance (0-400) - Select the highlight of the Players

Crate ESP - Highlighting Loot Chests
Crate Name - Name of loot chests
Crate Distance - Distance of loot chests
Crate ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance for highlighting chests with loot

Dropped Items ESP - Highlight items lying on the floor
Dropped Items Name - Name of items lying on the floor
Dropped Items Distance - Distance of items lying on the floor
Dropped Items ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance of the illumination of items lying on the floor

Cupboard ESP - Cabinet Lighting
Cupboard Name - Cupboard Name
Cupboard Distance - Distance to Cupboards
Cupboard ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance of Cupboard illumination

Turrets ESP - Turret Lights
Turrets Name - Turret name
Turrets Distance - Distance to turrets
Turrets ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance of the turret illumination

Collectible ESP - Illumination of Rare Ore
Collectible Name - The name of a rare ore
Collectible Distance - Distance to rare ore
Collectible ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance to highlight rare ore

Copters ESP - Helicopter Lights
Copters Name - The name of the helicopters
Copters Distance - Distance to helicopters
Copters ESP distance (0-400) - Choice of distance for helicopter illumination

Ore ESP - Ore Highlight
Ore Name - Ore name
Ore Distance - Distance to ore
Ore ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance for highlighting ore

Stash ESP - Stash Highlight
Stash Name - Stash name
Stash Distance - Distance to stash
Stash ESP distance (0-400) - Select distance for stash illumination

Radtown loot ESP - Illumination of the box of the killed
Radtown loot Name - The name of the box of the killed
Radtown loot Distance - Distance to the box of the killed
Radtown loot ESP distance (0-400) - Select the distance of illumination of the killed box

AirDrop ESP - Highlighting loot from the air
AirDrop Name - Air drop name
AirDrop Distance - Distance to loot from the air
AirDrop ESP distance (0-400) - Selection of distance for illumination of loot from the air

Aimbot Active - Enable aimbot
Aimbot Visible check - check for visibility
Aimbot Bind - select the aimbot trigger button (Rmouse, Lmouse, Shift)
Aimbot Bone - select a part of the aimbot aiming body (Head / Neck / Body)
Aimbot ignore team - Ignore teammates for aimbot
Aimbot FOV (modification slider) - Aimbot aiming radius
Aimbot Smoothing (modification slider) - Aimbot aiming smoothness
Aimbot Distance (modification slider) - Aimbot distance

Draw Fov - Show the focusing radius
Draw Crosshair - Crosshair centered on screen
Spiderman - Climb Walls
Debug Camera - (F6 - Camera Activation | W / A / S / D - fly forward / left / backward / right + shift acceleration | Ctrl / Shift - up / down)
Swim On Land - Swim on Air (F5 - Activate)
Roll Building - Rotate buildings (On key "R" when with the construction plan)
Mount Roll - Removes restrictions on camera movement when you are sitting somewhere
Always Day - Always day on the map
AntiAim (BETA) - Spinner complicates the task for the enemy with a cheat (BETA VERSION)
Long Neck - Long neck (visually increases the height of the player for yourself, you can kill the enemy without seeing you for him)
Rcs - Weapon Recoil Control
Minimize Spread (TEST) - Minimum spread
Automatic - Make all weapons automatic
Skinchanger - Change default skins to colored
Super Eoka - 1 shot Eoka
Super Melee - Increases the radius of hit with melee weapons as well if hitting near the enemy will hit him

Full Player ESP Colors Modification - Changes to player highlight colors
Full Bot ESP Colors Modification - Changes bot colors
Full Resource ESP Colors Modification - Changes to resource highlight colors
Full Misc Draw Colors Modification - Changes to the colors of the backlight and crosshair