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To pay by card, select in the table - STRIPE

System requirements:
Supported processors: Intel, AMD
Supported OS: Windows 10-11 x64

Additional Information:
Project Type: External
Game Mode: Windowed ,No Frames
Cheat not visible in videos, screenshots or screen sharing

You acquire and use the software at your own risk.
Undetected status does not guarantee 100% protection against blocking (with any cheat in any game, a ban is possible).
If the update is in the game, wait for the software update.
By purchasing this software, you agree to the rule that if the project is detected or completely closed, you will not receive a refund!
By purchasing this software, you agree to the rule that if you block your game account, you will not receive a refund!

***Functionality is subject to change, both added and removed


Only visible
Friends (Friends)
Team (Team)
Line (Lines)
Box 2D (Boxes)
Skeleton (Skeletons (subject to visibility)
Spectator count
Size line skeleton: (Skeleton size(1-3))
Skeleton draw distance: (Skeleton draw distance)
Backlight distance: (Backlight distance (from 10m to 1000m))


Airdrops (Airdrop)
Corpses (Corpses)
Vehicles (Transport)
Weapons: (Weapon)
Main (Basic)
Handgun (Pistols)
Melee (Melee)
Throwable (Grenades)
Attachments ( Modules)
Equipments: (Equipment)
Headgear (Helmet)
Vest (Vest)
Use: (Used)
Heal (Medicine)
Boost (Increase (energy, adrenaline, etc.)
Gadget (Gadget)
Backlight loot distance: (Loot backlight distance)


Enable aimbot (Aim (works when holding the specified key)
No sway (Control your breath)
No recoil (Compensates for recoil when using aim)
Do not aim at friends (Do not aim at friends)
Do not aim at knocked players (Do not aim at knocked out)
Visibility check (Walls)
Aim priority: (Aim priority)
Crosshair (Sight)
Control radius: (Control radius (free area for moving the sight, taking into account the locked target))
Draw fov circle (Disable FoV visual circle)
Fov: (Field of View(FOV)(Aim trigger area))
Distance: (Aim trigger distance)
Enable prediction (Enable and disable shot prediction)
Draw aim prediction (Big frame delay)
Bones selection: (you can choose 1 bone or multiple bones)
Head (head)
Left elbow (left hand)
Right elbow (Right hand)
Body (body)
Pelvis (groin)
Left knee (left knee)
Right knee
Bone change time: (Bone change frequency)
Key selection ( Selecting a key for aiming) (ANY OF YOUR CHOICE)


Visible players color
Invisible players color
My team players color
Target player color
Knocked players color
AI players color
Airdrop color
body color
vehicles color
weapons color
Ammunition color
Attachments color
equipment color
use color


Key to disable loot:(Key to disable loot)
Open menu key: (Open menu key)