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Windows 10 
AMD or INTEL processor

BOX - Circle enemies
Levels - Enemy level
Names - Enemy nickname
Distance - Distance to the enemy
Health - The health of the enemy
Armor - opponent's armor
IsVip - Show VIP players
Objects - displays of Quadrocopters, mines and other objects that the player can leave

AIM Bone - Select AIM Aiming Bone (Head, Neck, Chest)
AimKey - Selecting the AIM key (usually LMB is set)
AIM Marker - Show the point where AIM is shooting at the moment
Fov Value - AIM trigger radius
Fov Ciircle - Displays the FOV circle
Smooth Speed ??- speed of aiming AIM on the assigned key
Priority By - Priority of capturing AIM target (Distance or closer to the sight)

Fast Movings - Fast Walking
Fast Print - Fast sprint
No Reciol - Anti-recoil
Accuracy boots - Increased spread control
Fast Reload - Fast Reload
Fast Scope - Instant aiming

Emeny Dist - selection of the distance to display the enemy
Objects Dist - Select the distance of displaying objects
Choosing the color of the squares on the opponents