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Fortnite private cheat - ARCANE

ARCANE is a private cheat that will give you an advantage in the world of Fortnite. Our advanced features will make your game unbeatable.

Aimbot provides instant and precise aiming, allowing you to win duels and battles with ease. Select your targets with confidence and dominate the battlefield.

The VX function will help you see your enemies more easily, and Loot ESP will open up treasures and resources for you that will undoubtedly be useful to you in the fight for victory.

Built-in spoofer: No
Anti-cheat: BATTLEYE
Bypass recording in OBS: No
Supported game modes: Frameless, Windowed
Supported processors: Intel and AMD
Supported systems: Windows 10 (1903, 1909, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2), Windows 11


Enable - Activate
Always - Always
Prediction - Predicting target movement
First Keybind - First aim button
Second Keybind - Second aim button

Bone - Bone:

- Head / Head

- Neck / Neck

- Body / Body

- Pelvis / Pelvis

Smooth - Aim speed
Distance - Aim operating distance
Visible check - Visibility check
Draw FOV - Draw an FOV circle
Draw FOV Background - FOV circle background
FOV radius - FOV circle size


Box - Boxes
Box Filled - Box background:

- Static / Static

- Gradient / Gradient

Skeleton - Skeletons
Skeleton Thickness - Thickness of skeletons
Visible check - Visibility check
Distance - Distance to the player
Bot Mark - Mark bots
View Line - Show where the player is looking
Rendering Distance - Drawing distance
Visible color - Visible color
Invisible color - Color of the invisible


Enable - Enable
Battle Mode - Battle mode
Battle Mode Keybind - Key binding for battle mode
Rarity - Rarity:

- Common / Normal

- Uncommon / Unusual

- Rare

- Epic / Epic

- Legendary / Legendary

- Mystic / Mystical

Objects - Items:

- Chest / Chest

- Ammunition Box / Box with ammunition

- Machine Redux / Installing Redux

- Vehicle / Vehicle

- Zipline / Rope track


Enable - Activate
Zoom - Scale
Size - Size
Distance - Distance
Transparency - Transparency
Visible check - Visibility check


Menu key - Menu opening key
Unload key - Menu unload key

Menu Language - Menu language:

- English / English

- Chinece / Chinese

Out of FOV Arrows - Show players off screen:

- Enable / Activate

- Visible check / Visibility check

- Range Center/Size

- Distance / Display distance

Crosshair - Static cursor:

- Enable / Activate

- Color

- Size

- Thicktess / Thickness


Config - Saving settings:

- Create / Create

- Save / Save

- Load / Upload

- Delete / Delete