Built-in spoofer:Yes Anticheat:BATTLEYE Bypass recording in OBS:No Supported game modes:Frameless, Windowed Supported processors:Intel and AMD Supported systems:Windows 10, Windows 11 Autority functionality: Aim Enable/Disable Aim and assign a hotkey when activated. Select "Dice" when aiming. Options (head, neck, chest, stomach, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg) Instant hit Silent Aim Visibility check Aim radius setting (FOV) Aim maximum range setting Aim range display (FOV) Target bone display Target line display ESP Square display selection (disable, corners, normal) Square visibility settings Square filling Name display Weapon display (ability to display the number of rounds in the clip) Skeleton display Display distance K/D counter display Inventory cost display Faction display (BEAR, USEC) Profile information display (What edition does the player have, level, winstreak, cd). Health bar Setting the ESP operating distance Turning on/off chams Displaying explosive grenades Displaying smoke grenades Displaying the sight on the screen (crosshairs in the center) Displaying the number of rounds in your weapon Displaying the firing mode ESP Loot Built-in loot filter with different modes (categories, custom) with the ability to select the desired items to display directly during the raid Displaying items at the minimum price (color, item name, distance, price, icon) Displaying containers at the minimum price (color, container name, icon, distance, the ability to display all items inside the container) Displaying corpses at the minimum price (color, corpse name, icon, distance, the ability to display all items inside the corpse) Loot localization. Quest helper Displaying quest items in the raid. (Not only cases, books, watches, etc.) But any quest item, be it MRE, Ledx, M4A1, etc. Quest zones with the ability to turn on/off taken quests. Misc Night vision on/off (with the ability to set a hotkey) Thermal vision on/off (with the ability to set a hotkey) Disable visor Infinite stamina Infinite air Run and gun (ability to shoot while running) Change the field of view (Fov) Zoom hack with zoom setting (with the ability to set a hotkey) Loot through walls Instant study Instant search Multi search Disable recoil Disable sway Disable inertia Fast loading/unloading of magazines Instant aiming Display of exits (all or open) Display of min Radar Change the time in the game to the desired one. (24 hour cycle.) Display a list of players in the lobby with information about the cost of items inside it. With the ability to display it on the monitor. Other Ability to save/load your settings Choice of language (Russian, English) Changing the theme color (cheat interface) Changing the binds to the cheat menu, panic button and combat mode.