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To pay by card, select in the table - STRIPE

System Requirements:
Supported processors: Intel, AMD
Supported OS: Windows 10-11 x64
Supported Builds: all
Project Type: External
Game Mode: Windowed, Borderless

Draw zombie (zombie)
Line (lines)
Box 2D ( 2D box)
Name ( names )
Item in hands (item in hands)
category (category)
Distance (distance)
Skeleton (skeleton)
        Size line skeleton: (size of the skeleton)
        Skeleton draw distance: ( skeleton draw distance)
        Backlight distance: (backlight distance)
Corpses: (corpses)
Animals: (animals)
Vehicle: (transport)
Show all loot on hover: (show loot on hover)
        Player (player)
        Corpses (corpses)
        Vehicle (transport)

Enable radar/compass
Enable map markers (LB/RB)
Draw players on map
Draw zombie (radar, map)
backlight distance:
Position by X:
Position by Y:

open loot list:
       Clothes (clothes)
       Medical (medicine)
       Drink (drink)
       Container ( containers)
       Ammo (ammo)
       Attachments (modules)
       Tool (tools)
       Consumables (consumables)
       Melee weapon (melee weapon)
       Weapon (weapon)
       Camping (camping)
       Food (food)
       Crafting (craft items)
       Optics (binoculars, rangefinder...)
       Radio (walkie-talkie, radio)
       Vehicle parts ( elements of transport)
       Cultivation ( agricultural items, seeds)
       Explosives (explosives)
       Other (uncategorized items)
       Selected ( selected items)

Clothes (clothes)
Medical (medicine)
Drink (drink)
Container ( containers)
Ammo (ammo)
Attachments (modules)
Tool (tools)
Consumables (consumables)
Melee weapon (melee weapon)
Weapon (weapon)
Camping (camping)
Food (food)
Crafting (craft items)
Optics (binoculars, rangefinder...)
Radio (walkie-talkie, radio)
Vehicle parts ( elements of transport)
Cultivation ( agricultural items, seeds)
Explosives (explosives)
Other (uncategorized items)
Selected ( selected items)
Loot quality
Show all loot on hover (show all loot on hover)

Enable silent aimbot (wall shot)
Do not aim at zombie (do not aim at zombies)
Aim priority:
        Distance (distance priority)
        Crosshair (closest crosshair priority)

Draw fov circle
Fov: (Fov setting)
Distance: (maximum distance to enemy)
Draw aim point (circle where aim aims)
Enable prediction (built-in)
Bones selection: (you can choose 1 bone or multiple bones)
        Head (head)
        Left elbow (Left elbow)
        Right elbow (Right elbow)
        Body (body)
        Pelvis (groin)
        Left knee (left knee)
        Right knee
Bone change time
Key selection (key selection for aiming)

Always light (Danger) (always day)
Disable grass (Danger)
Key selection: (key selection to disable grass)
Disable fog (Danger)
Disable rain (Danger)
Disable overcast (Danger)
Draw crosshair ( draw a crosshair)

Colors Wide range of colors
compass color
player color
zombie color
animal color
vehicle color
body color
navigation color
clothes color
medical color
drink color
container color
ammo color
Attachment color
tool color
Consumable color
Melee weapon color
weapon color
camping color
food color
cooking color
craft color
Optics color
radio color
vehicle parts color
Cultivation color
Explosive color
other color
Selected lot color

Key to disable loot: (disable loot highlight button)
Open menu key:( menu button)
Inside loot update time: (loot update time)