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Supported Disk Format: Supports GPT only (MBR is not supported)
Additional requirements: Disable Secure boot and TPM, Your Bios must be in UEFI format
Built-in Spoofer: No
OBS Write Bypass: No
Supported game modes:All
Supported Processors: Intel and AMD with AVX1 support
Supported systems: Windows 10 (2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2) , Windows 11
Aimbot (Silent Only)
Magic Key (For shooting through walls)
Enabled - visuals enabled
Enemy only - visuals for enemies only
Box - draw player box
Box outline
Health - draw health bar
Skeleton - draw skeleton
Maximum distance - distance for visuals, skeleton, box
Player info - nickname, distance, etc
Ovveride fov - overrides field of view
speed hack
instant hit
instant ads
Unlock fire modes
No spread
no recoil
no bolt catch
no ballistic