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You've entered the world of Apex Legends, and now your goal is to become the best. Our private cheat WR PRIVATE will help you in this matter.

Visuals: We provide you with all the necessary information about enemies and objects on the map. Player ESP with illuminated boxes, information about the distance and health of players, as well as Item ESP with filters for quickly finding the necessary items.

Aimbot: Our precision Aimbot with Visible Check and Prediction provides high accuracy when shooting. You will always hit the target, even if it moves quickly. The target height is also customizable.

Misc: 2D Radar gives you an overview of the entire gaming area, making your game more strategic.

With the WR PRIVATE cheat, you can achieve incredible results in Apex Legends. Join the Elitehacks team and start your journey to the top.

Bypassing recording in OBS: Present
Supported Game Modes: Windowed, Frameless, Full Screen
Supported processors: Intel and AMD
Supported systems: Windows 10 (1909, 2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2), Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2)



Player ESP (Boxes)
Player Info (Distance, Health)
Item ESP with filters
Visible check


Accurate Aimbot
Aimbot Height


2D Radar
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